wardawg piracy ops

Welcome aboard! I’m Wardawg, a content creator in the Star Citizen universe. I specialize in creating Piracy related video and streaming content on the YouTube and (soon tm) Twitch platforms.

I'm part of the Chaos Squad and IronPoint pirate organizations. We have weekly Piracy related events and our members engage in active nightly piracy activities!

In addition to gaming, I'm a graphic designer/printer by trade.  I've been commissioned by various orgs to create logos and decals.  I've previously won the Anvil Ballista Bumper Sticker Contest hosted by CIG.  If you're interested in my design or print services, check out (facebook.com/orgfx)

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Support the Cause

Buy me a rum spiked coffee via ko-fi.com or donate via patreon.com to help keep the wheels of pirate media creation greased!  Rewards, perks, merch and more!

Donate via Ko-fi Donate via Patreon Take me to the Plunder!